Laboratory of Dynamic Systems and Control is committed to developing modeling, control, and identification theories and applying them to a wide range of engineering systems. The recent research particularly focuses on incorporating sensor fusion and machine learning algorithms to enhance the control performance of robots and autonomous vehicles. In addition to government funded projects, the laboratory also actively collaborates with industry to develop technologies for multiple subjects including high-speed magnetic levitation spindles, industrial robotic arms, semiconductor automation equipment, surgical robots, and so on.

Prof. Ting-Jen Yeh
Sc.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Research Interests: Automatic control, Robotics, Electric vehicles
Office: Room 514, Engineering Building I, National Tsing Hua University
TEL: 03-5742922
Email: tyeh@pme.nthu.edu.tw

Selected publications
1. Yeh, T-J., Chien-Chih Huang, and Chow-Shing Toh. “Closed-loop identification of multi-axis active magnetic bearing systems based on decentralized and decoupling control.” Mechatronics 90 (2023): 102933.
2. T.-J. Yeh, and Tzu-Hsiang Weng (2021, Jan). Analysis and Control of an In-pipe Wheeled Robot with Spiral Moving Capability. ASME Journal of Autonomous Vehicles and Systems, 1.1, 2021. MOST 104-2221-E-007-038-MY2.
3. Chun-Feng Huang and T.-J. Yeh* (2020, May). Anti-Slip Balancing Control for Wheeled-Inverted-Pendulum Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 28(3), 1042-1049. MOST 107-2221-E-007-108-MY2.
4. Chun-Feng Huang, Yen-Chun Tung, Hao-Tien Lu, and T.-J. Yeh* (2018, Aug). Balancing control of a bicycle-riding humanoid robot with center of gravity estimation. Advanced Robotics, Volume 32, 2018 – Issue 17.
5. Chun-Feng Huang, Bang-Hao Dai, and T-J. Yeh* (2018, Mar). Determination of motor torque for power-assist electric bicycles using observer-based sensor fusion. ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 140.7 (2018): 071019. MOST 105-2627-M-007-008.
6. Huang, Chun-Feng, Hong, Jian-Hao, and Yeh, T.-J.* (2016, Feb). Modeling and Experimental Validation of a Passive Steering Mechanism Design for a Pedaled, Self-Balanced Unicycle. ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics. MOST 102-2221-E-007-077-MY2.
7. F.-K. Wu, T.-J. Yeh*, and Chun-Feng Huang (2013, Feb). Motor Control and Torque Coordination of an Electric Vehicle Actuated by Two In-wheel Motors. Mechatronics, 23, 46-60. NSC 98-2218-E-007-016.
8. Wu, Ting-Ying, T. J. Yeh*, and Bing-Hung Hsu. “Trajectory planning of a one-legged robot performing a stable hop.” The International Journal of Robotics Research 30.8 (2011): 1072-1091.
9. Yeh, T. J., Wu, M. J., Lu, T. J., Wu, F. K., & Huang, C. R. (2010). Control of McKibben pneumatic muscles for a power-assist, lower-limb orthosis. Mechatronics, 20(6), 686-697.
10. Yeh, T-J., and Feng-Kung Wu. “Modeling and robust control of worm-gear driven systems.” Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 17.5 (2009): 767-777.
11. Wu, Ting-Ying, and T-J. Yeh*. “Optimal design and implementation of an energy-efficient biped walking in semi-active manner.” Robotica 27.6 (2009): 841-852.
12. Yeh, T-J., Chai-De Wang, and Ting-Ying Wu. “Modeling and control of an atomic force microscope using a piezoelectric tuning fork for force sensing.” Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 16.7 (2008): 768-782.
13. Yeh, T. J., C. Y. Su, and W. J. Wang. “Modelling and control of a hydraulically actuated two-degree-of-freedom inertial platform.” Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering 219.6 (2005): 405-417.
14. 葉廷仁(2021年02月)。輪式倒單擺電動載具之控制系統介紹。機械新刊,51, 23-29。