
葉廷仁 特聘教授 | Prof. Ting-Jen Yeh
Sc.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Email: tyeh@pme.nthu.edu.tw

1. Yeh, T-J., Chien-Chih Huang, and Chow-Shing Toh. “Closed-loop identification of multi-axis active magnetic bearing systems based on decentralized and decoupling control.” Mechatronics 90 (2023): 102933.
2. T.-J. Yeh, and Tzu-Hsiang Weng (2021, Jan). Analysis and Control of an In-pipe Wheeled Robot with Spiral Moving Capability. ASME Journal of Autonomous Vehicles and Systems, 1.1, 2021. MOST 104-2221-E-007-038-MY2.
3. Chun-Feng Huang and T.-J. Yeh* (2020, May). Anti-Slip Balancing Control for Wheeled-Inverted-Pendulum Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 28(3), 1042-1049. MOST 107-2221-E-007-108-MY2.
4. Chun-Feng Huang, Yen-Chun Tung, Hao-Tien Lu, and T.-J. Yeh* (2018, Aug). Balancing control of a bicycle-riding humanoid robot with center of gravity estimation. Advanced Robotics, Volume 32, 2018 – Issue 17.
5. Chun-Feng Huang, Bang-Hao Dai, and T-J. Yeh* (2018, Mar). Determination of motor torque for power-assist electric bicycles using observer-based sensor fusion. ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 140.7 (2018): 071019. MOST 105-2627-M-007-008.
6. Huang, Chun-Feng, Hong, Jian-Hao, and Yeh, T.-J.* (2016, Feb). Modeling and Experimental Validation of a Passive Steering Mechanism Design for a Pedaled, Self-Balanced Unicycle. ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics. MOST 102-2221-E-007-077-MY2.
7. F.-K. Wu, T.-J. Yeh*, and Chun-Feng Huang (2013, Feb). Motor Control and Torque Coordination of an Electric Vehicle Actuated by Two In-wheel Motors. Mechatronics, 23, 46-60. NSC 98-2218-E-007-016.
8. Wu, Ting-Ying, T. J. Yeh*, and Bing-Hung Hsu. “Trajectory planning of a one-legged robot performing a stable hop.” The International Journal of Robotics Research 30.8 (2011): 1072-1091.
9. Yeh, T. J., Wu, M. J., Lu, T. J., Wu, F. K., & Huang, C. R. (2010). Control of McKibben pneumatic muscles for a power-assist, lower-limb orthosis. Mechatronics, 20(6), 686-697.
10. Yeh, T-J., and Feng-Kung Wu. “Modeling and robust control of worm-gear driven systems.” Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 17.5 (2009): 767-777.
11. Wu, Ting-Ying, and T-J. Yeh*. “Optimal design and implementation of an energy-efficient biped walking in semi-active manner.” Robotica 27.6 (2009): 841-852.
12. Yeh, T-J., Chai-De Wang, and Ting-Ying Wu. “Modeling and control of an atomic force microscope using a piezoelectric tuning fork for force sensing.” Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 16.7 (2008): 768-782.
13. Yeh, T. J., C. Y. Su, and W. J. Wang. “Modelling and control of a hydraulically actuated two-degree-of-freedom inertial platform.” Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering 219.6 (2005): 405-417.
14. 葉廷仁(2021年02月)。輪式倒單擺電動載具之控制系統介紹。機械新刊,51, 23-29。